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Web Site Development

Flash Design

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Services / Web Site Development / Flash Design

Flash content adds sizzle to your website. Flash can be used for interactive marketing and presentations, e-learning and simply created to capture your visitor’s attention. Our Flash animations attract your audience quicker than in plain static form, and will make some services and products pop off the page, allowing you to communicate to your users with ease.

If you’re interested in adding vibrancy and visual excitement to your website, animated flash is the answer. Many companies use flash, but unless used properly can be overdone or just plain annoying. Flash allows the ability to integrate video, text, audio, and graphics into your website that deliver very satisfying results.

AG Advertising also custom-builds independent animated flash advertising banners in any size. Contact us today on how we can make your site a success when your ready to add some pizzazz to your web site, and draw in the attention you've been waiting for!

Project Portfolio
Our existing site was designed entirely in flash - please click here to view. (new window)